Saudi Arabia
I would say Saudi arabia as it has lots of oil
The formal document, issued by the grand jury, which authorizes the government to proceed to trial against the defendant is called the indictment. It is an accusation that is formal and written officially for a person that has committed a serious crime.
It is true that President Lincoln thought his speech was a failure.
Thankfully this is not true. But here me out. the rain falls on the just and the unjust right? I don't see a cone of light following a virtuous person right in the middle of a rainstorm. By thankfully, i mean we all are wrong. We all do things that we regret, or that we know are wrong, and even some things that we don't know are wrong.
Also, I'm not sure how ruling badly brings a bad name on your ancestors, but if someone said, "Bro, you are ruling awfully man. Your ancestors must've been messed up," then i can see why you could say this. ;), Since you decide what you do, your ancestors probably won't get a bad rep. Your ancestors really don't care at this point what you do. Where they are is not affected by what you do.
If you strive do what is right and honor God, you will indeed be blessed by Him, but there will always be a group that complains or argues to get themselves what they want.
Hope this helped!