After carefully reading both proposals for a fundraiser to help the library, I have come to the conclusion that the second proposal is likely to be more efficient.
The first proposal does offer a beautiful idea when it suggests we try and awake people's interest in reading books. Unfortunately, it probably takes more than just a book sale for that to happen. Also, the prices suggested to be charged for the books - between fifty cents and two dollars - won't be very effective. Since our purpose is to raise money for the library, we should take into consideration what will most efficiently have people spend their money.
That takes us to the second proposal. Even though it may sound strange to hold a car wash when the goal is to help a library, car washes are known to raise a good amount of money easily. And all kinds of people will help by doing both, volunteering and having their cars washed, even if they don't enjoy reading very much. As is stated in the proposal, not many volunteers would be necessary (only around ten) and we can easily find help when the activity is fun and enjoyable.