Someone who heedful of danger is catious of danger.
B. In the absence of surprise, a witty remark loses much of its humorous effect.
Answer B
Correct. In the first sentence of the third paragraph, the author makes the claim that “merriment” (amusement) can be produced only by “a sudden impression,” that is, a surprise. In the second sentence of the paragraph, the author advances that claim by using the clause “which is expected” to assert that jests (witty remarks) lacking such an element of surprise (because the audience is expecting them) lose much of their humor and are thus effectively “already destroyed.”
No problem with the order
Reffering to Alice In Wonderland There is no passage. Alice is different from other girls though because she has a wild imagination. She find the things that other girls find boring and uninteresting, intreguing. She explores and follows her imagination.