Trade-off. act of giving up one thing of value to gain another. Opportunity Cost. value of the next best alternative you could have chosen. Marginal Benefit.
The correct answer would be option B, A bank approves mortgage for a customer.
Injecting money into the economy means increasing money supply in the economy. It means more money is in the circulation. So when a bank approves a mortgage for a customer, it means bank is releasing money which will be in circulation and becomes a part of the economy. Mortgage is basically the loan or money which a bank or financial institution lends to a person or company on an agreed upon interest rate in exchange of their property with the condition that the bank will sell the property to get its money back if the borrower fails to return the loaned money. So the best example of how a bank can inject money into the economy is to approve the mortgage for a customer.
The correct answer is: in all decision making.
Economic analysis is used in all walks of life, in decision making. It is not only relevant for policymaking or in business or for students. Rather, it is used in day to day life as well.
Almost all the decision we make is based on cost-benefit analysis. It used by households and individuals for utility maximization. It is used by businesses for profit maximization and is used by policy makers for welfare maximization.
The answer would be E
Excess return, also known as alpha, is a measure of how much a fund has under or outperformed the benchmark against which it is compared.
metric allows investors to compare sets of funds against each other, in order to see which fund has generated greater excess returns.
This is true. Hope I could help!