Which team you talking about if you think you smart why not try.
A helmet is designed to provide protection to the top, back, and sides of your head as well as some of the forehead. A helmet is used typically when doing some sort of action that required protection; like riding a motorbike, or working in construction.
if you were to put the helmet over the eyes or ears you would take away one of the main reasons some has the helmet on for anyways. How would you work in construction if you can't hear when your being called or seeing where the blueprint tells you to place the steel beams. Or how would you see where you're driving or when someone is honking at you if the motorbike helmet is covering your eyes and ears.
Helmets are for providing protection, not disabling your senses.
The main difference is that with a French braid you're crossing sections of hair over one another, and with a Dutch braid you'll be crossing them underneath. That's why the Dutch braid is frequently labeled as a “reverse French braid” or “inside-out braid,” thanks to this “underneath” technique
alheyyy ahannasheyyyy ...............
margaya tha aisatu
382.85, 382.86, 382.87, 382.88, 382.89, 382.91, 382.92
Step-by-step explanation:
When rounding the important number is to the right of whatever place you are rounding to. In this case we are rounding to the tenth position so the number we are looking at is the number in the hundreth position. If that number is 0-4 we round down and if that number is 5-9 we round up. So in order to get numbers that round to 382.9 we need to create numbers that have a number between 0 and 4 in the hundredths place with a 9 in the tenth place meaning we would round down to 382.9 or having a number between 5 and 9 in the hundredths place with an 8 in the tenths place meaning we'd round up to 382.9.