Farmers faced Native American raids, poor growing conditions, droughts, disease, insects, and anything that would give farmers a hard time now. Farmers had to pay higher prices for transportation which caused less profit - crops prices fell which also caused less profit. The government issued greenbacks then retired them, causing an increase in the value of money in the circulation.
Masacre de Nanjing donde las fuerzas imperiales japonesas ejecutaron deliberadamente a civiles chinos. Se estima que entre 50.000 y 300.000 personas murieron durante la masacre.
Kim II-Sung invaded South Korea. He informed both the Soviet Union and China since they were his allies.
An extremely hostile relationship characterized by slaughter, competition, and greed.
Answer: The automobile contributed to globilization, which helps improved education.
Explanation: Since the automobile increased the inter-connectedness of society, it allowed information and discoveries to travel at a faster rate. This phenomenon made it so citizens had access to more educational facilities. Furthermore, with access to a car, individuals could travel to more prestigious educational institutions. Finally, with educators having access to cars, they could reach more people and teach more information and skills.