Match the following items. 1. for Cuban independence Pancho Villa 2. headed up the project of ridding Cuba of the yellow fever c
arrying mosquitoes Spanish-American War 3. policy of soft talk but an efficient navy to keep the terms of Monroe Doctrine General Leonard Wood 4. bandit who killed settlers in New Mexico isolationism 5. a policy of noninvolvement in world affairs corollary 6. a proposition following so obviously from another that it requires little or no proof Big Stick policy
1. Spanish-American War - The Spanish-American
War continued only a small number of months and was ended when Spain contracted
a peace treaty openhanded the United States governing Cuba, Puerto
Rico, the Philippine Islands, and Guam. Cuba became an independent
country somewhat than a U.S. land.
2. General Leonard Wood - He was a United States
Army major. He served as the Military Governor of Cuba, Chief of Staff of the
United States Army, and Governor General of the Philippines.
3. Big Stick policy - policy of prudently
arbitrated negotiation ("talking softly") reinforced by the tacit
threat of an influential military ("big stick")
4. Pancho Villa – One of the most projecting individuals
of the Mexican Revolution.
5. Isolationism - a policy of left over apart
from the matters or welfares of other groups, particularly the political dealings
of other republics.
6. Corollary - starting a proposition that shadows
from one already demonstrated.