The answers are:
- Qué
- Cuáles
- Cuál
- Cuál
- Qué
- Cuáles
- Cuál
- Cuál
In Spanish we use "Qué" in question form, when we don't refer to a specific group ir thing, and we use "Cuál" on the opposite, when we refer to something or a group, and "Cuales" is the plural form of "Cuál" referring to more than one thing. As you can see, number one isn't refering to something in particular, is the equivalent of "What are you doing?" and number three is mentioning a long or short dress... Number two is the plural "gafas" glasses.
The correct answer is letter D, Abril.
Which means April.
A Rubén le encantaba el fútbol. Se pasaba el día corriendo detrás de la pelota. Entrenaba con su equipo los martes y los jueves.
Su madre le reñía constantemente porque siempre estaba dispuesto a jugar un partido con sus amigos, pero nunca tenía tiempo para hacer los deberes.
Ruben loved football. He spent the day running behind the ball. He trained with his team on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
His mother constantly scolded him because he was always willing to play a game with his friends, but he never had time to do his homework.
Ellos esperan a su padre
¿A quién esperan Julio y Sofia?
Ellos esperan a su padre.