Beowulf's body is taken to Hronesness, where his funeral pyre is burned and his funeral mound is constructed. The mound is filled with the treasure that Beowulf won from the dragon and all of the Geats gather around to lament the death of their lord.
He wanted a funeral pyre so he could fill it with his treasures ;)
Prewriting, writing, editing.
if there is hope <u>it lies in the proles</u>
This is a book
What is the point of asking this? It's common sense.
here it is
There are three witches who curse Macbeth while he didn't know, he was told by his wife to go and attack the king, he did that and became a king , then a war was happening, the King begged the witches to help but they lied , his wife died , everyone dies and Macbeth lost his head, the end.
I wrote what I remembered lop