Semi-colon, Comma and Full stop
Loss of habitat puts penguins at risk; they suffer from diminish food supply, man-made hazards and climate change.
The semi-colon is used to further explain the preceding sentence which was stated before. The comma is used to separate the items stated and the fullstop is used to end the sentence.
How old people live on average → Life expectancy
How economic and political power is distributed between the sexes → Gender Empowerment Measure
How many people live below the average quality of life → Human Poverty Index
Wealth of the whole economy → Gross domestic product.
I have been able to match the description with the economic term.
Life expectancy is usually referred to as the expected number of years one is expected to live. So, it gives details on how old people live on average.
Gender Empowerment Measure (abbrev. as GEM) is known as a measure of inequalities which exists between the opportunities of men and women in a country. These inequalities are seen in political and economical power.
Human Poverty Index (abbrev. as HPI) was known to measure the poverty of community in a country. It was developed by the United Nations. It actually assesses three elements of deprivation that is found in a country –knowledge, longevity, and a decent standard of living.
Gross Domestic Product (abbrev. as GDP) is known to be used in estimating the economic growth rate of a country. It is the monetary value of all the goods and services that are made in a country at a specific period of time.
It just means that it is raining hard or heavy. Because it means something different than the literal meaning of the words. i hope i helped :)
One of the main themes Cushman chooses to use in this novel is freedom, though some may argue that it is obedience. This thought is not true, considering the fact that Catherine was never once obedient to her father. Cushman illustrates this theme using Catherine's birds.