I think it's Persuasive..because it appeals to our emotions by getting us to agree with them, and it uses reason and logic to do so, and often uses statistics....and there's almost always a clear statement of what they want us to believe at the beginning
"The Crucible" is a play written by Arthur Miller, an American Dramatist.
The play is a fictionalized version of Massachusetts's "Salem Witch Trials" of 1692-93.
Abigail Williams is the antagonist in the play. She had an adulterous relation with John Proctor. But John is married to Elizabeth. Out of jealousy for Elizabeth, Abigail with some other girls, tries to invoke curse on Elizabeth so that after her death, she could marry John.
Abigail behaves as if she is an adult when John tries to tell her that their relationship is a past thing saying,
<em>"I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near! I saw your face when she put me out and you loved me then and you do now! "</em>
Her lust and passion for John Proctor and her jealousy towards Elizabeth took a drastic shift in the play. When caught by her uncle in the forest dancing naked and performing pagan rituals, she accuses Elizabeth for devil-worship.
Mary, on the other hand, is a very naive and weak girl, in comparison to Abigail. She is the employer of Proctor's. She knows the truth of the girls and resist witnessing falsity against the Proctor's. But when pressed down by the situation in the courtroom she sides with Abigail and the girls and accuses Proctor's of being witch-craft practitioners.
the facts help create a picture of Lowell as original and innovative.
i-Ready diagnostic.
The repetition of initial consonants is called alliteration