I cant write the entire book for you but read the ESV version, and it will come easier. The story itself is pretty easy. Just use this plot: Joseph was his father's favorite, he recieved a coat of many colors, his brothers became jealous and threw him in a pit and told their father he was dead, one of his brothers tried to go and get him, but the other brothers sold him, he went into slavery, his master was kind, his wife lied about him and was thrown in prision, he decoded peoples dreams, which got the attention of the king, who made him second in command.
Hope this helps
The main opponents in World War II were the Axis Powers. The United States entered the war on the side of the Allies after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan in 1941.
Hope this answers it :)
F. All of the above
A: They believed their nation and religion were superior to all others and the deserved to rule the world.
B: They controlled all citizens you speak out you get sent to a camp or die. They only liked people who believed what they believed.
C: Japan tried to conquer Asia and Germany tried to control Europe. Italy was kinda just their trying to help.
D: They believed only the "aryan" (white) race deserved to live and only people without mental and physical disabilities and people who were atheist and followed Nazism to a crisp.
E: They had many many many awards and medals clipped to their uniform to show they were "superior" to others. They also strengthened their military to try to take over Asia/Europe.