You can find some useful tips via the Internet. Try to describe your friendship by one word and. I think you should write the most interesting events with you and your friends. Write why do think he's your best friend. But you should focus on interesting things. So it would be good if you write something funny about you and your friend.
Bleak story lines about leaders who terrorize citizens every year by making them watch teens fight to the death and governments who condone mandatory operations to remove emotion describe two of the popular dystopian novels that ... But just what is a dystopian novel and how long has it been around?
this is a little hard but it seems to me that you have a wrong answer in number 2 you put ap over extremely but it should be over bird other than that you are good there is probably 1 or 2 mistakes so just go back over it i do not see anymore mistakes.
The rising action shows Bill fearlessly taking on the
The excerpt described the tornado as fierce and roaring loud, it tried to throw Bill off but Bill rode along it until he tamed it. This shows Bill's fearlessness by being calm against a raging tornado until he calmed it and was not thrown off.