Yes they did go to war with them
COMMUNISM: Centralized government, planned economy, dictatorship of the "proletariat", common ownership of the tools of production, no private property. equality between genders and all people, international focus. Usually anti-democratic with a 1-party system.
FASCISM: Actual idealism, centralized government, social Darwinism, planned economy, anti-democratic, meritocratic, extreme nationalism, militarism, racism (Nazism). Traditional and/or exaggerated gender roles. One party system.
Private property promotes efficiency by giving the owner of resources an incentive to maximize its value. The more valuable a resource, the more trading power it provides the owner of the resource. This is because, in a capitalist system, someone who owns property is entitled to any value associated with the property.
Europeans found new products from Asia during the Crusades
Eisenhower planned that the US and the USSR be able to fly over each other's territory to safeguard against unexpected nuclear attacks. But USSR said no. This led CIA to start a secret high-altitude spy flights over Soviet territory called U-2s. In May 1960, USSR shot down a U-2 plane and its pilot was captured which heightened the tension.