1. jerusalem - former capital of Judea often called the Holy City
2. knights - men with honorable rank who pledged to do good deeds
3. hospitalers - crusaders who were part of an organization that gave medical aid
4. alexandria - a city second and importance to Rome located on the Delta of the Nile River
multiply the right and the left by 18. And what we're left with is x equals 18 times the cosine of 64.
Answer: texas became part of the United States!
Explanation:They became part of the United States because that’s what thI they became part of the United States because that’s what they were fighting for!
Under "Yaroslav the Wise" in the 11th century. He build many buildings in Kiev (Kievan Russian) such as Cathedral of Saint Sophia. He also greatly helped to develop the culture and education of Kiev.
In slavery the slave was not seen as a member of society so he could not buy, what he produced was not much and the expenses to bring and keep the slaves were becoming many.
It would be difficult to keep semi-wage earners on large properties: given the availability of land, they could try other forms of life - becoming artisans, squatters and small farmers, for example - which would complicate the flow of labor to the mercantile company, in which large traders and owners .