After Looking Up This Im Assuming Your Question Meant To Be "Explain the effect of the juxtaposition in the following lines: "ANGUISH. German soldiers- with their steel helmets and their death's-head emblem. Still, our first impressions of the Germans were rather reassuring."
The Germans were initially somewhat "low key" when they first came into the ghetto. Yet, everything about their appearance suggested that they were bringers of death. The people of the ghetto did not want to assume the worst, even when all the evidence was negative.
Immigrant children then had to ride boats for days or weeks. Maybe even months! Children today still can ride boats but they can also ride planes or drive in a car. Immigrant children then, had to go through medical tests to see if they had any diseases. You still have to presently so that's a thing that didn't change. When you arrived to where you were immigrating to you would have to stand in lines with other immigrants and get signed in on paper to let the workers or helpers know that you were there. Some challenges todays immigrant children face are: Lack of paper work, the ability to attend school, and language barriers. Some challenges they immigrants then and the immigrants now face are the same but they were all tough!
i pretty sure its D. Gracious
although i'm not entirely sure so sorry if you get it wrong
1) The desire to help others is a trait of a good person.
2) A good individual obey the rules and upholds the law.
3) Lying does not form part of a decent person's mannerism.
4) Politeness is a sign of virtue.
5) Good people are courteous.
6) Positivity emanates from a decent person.
7) A good person fulfills their obligations/responsibilities.
8) A good individual does not commit theft.
9) Good people do not get into conflicts.
10) Good people never hold grudges against anyone.