Indentured servants. The headrights system allowed planters to be given 50 acres of land for every person they payed for to come over.
The mountains and water made travelling
diffucult but the Greeks were able to overcome it
i only know this bc im greek
The idea of global cooling gained popularity about during the 1970s, <span>“There are ominous signs that the earth’s weather patterns have begun to change dramatically,” </span>Newsweek reported in 1975. At the time the highly influential source convinced <span>“drastic decline in food production.”, at that time climate scientists were convinced that a ice age was coming. Global temperatures falling between 1940 to 1975 drove the concern of global cooling, little did they know it was only a temporary fall of temperature.
That's as much as I know, hope it helped! :)</span>
It would be a line going straight through the graph under the middle.
because, in reality, the development of a country's economy ... make an important contribution to the analysis of levels of development.