While there is no graph provided and I cannot find the graph online, I will base my answer through theory.
In theory, the most common blood type is O+, followed by A+, then B+, then AB+. Rh negative blood is deemed to be rare. While the most common blood type is O+, the same blood type is also called the "universal donor" as a type O+ blood has no antigens attached in red blood cells therefore the probability of adverse reactions (i.e. hemolytic reactions) when transfused to other blood types are close to nil. In an emergency situation, wherein there is not enough time to do proper crossmatching, blood type O+ can be used therefore supplies of blood type O+ are easily depleted.
So we can protect ourselves from the same virus if it attacks again in the future
Answer is C.
For A and B, a base substitution affects one of the three bases that comprise a codon, the DNA/RNA unit that corresponds to a particular amino acid. If one base is substituted, one codon and therefore one amino acid will be affected. Codons have built-in redundancy, so even by changing one base, the new codon sometimes still corresponds to the same amino acid. Therefore, a base substitution at most affects one amino acid, and sometimes doesn't affect it all.
Frameshift mutations cause a lot more trouble. These occur when you have a deletion or insertion that changes the number of bases in your gene. As a result, the "frame" of the codons changes (everything shifts one way or the other by the number of bases added/removed). This affects EVERY codon downstream of the mutation, so you can imagine that such a mutation would have a bigger effect the closer to the start of the gene it occurs. This is why C is correct.
The vacuole performs many functions such as storing water, nutrients,and wastes and it also plays a major role in the structure of the plant