The greek word acro is used to refer to top, height, or beggining, in this case for example, Acro-bat, makes references to someone who performs gymnastic feats on the top of the circus, Acro-nym are used to develop an idea throu the first letters of the words that form it, like NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), ad acro-phobia is the fear of heights which is formed by acro-heights, and phobia, fear.
If i'm not wrong it's objective information
Because the boy wasn't doing his job right. I think he lost sheep.
I am extremely bored at this point in time. I would like to do something exciting and adventurous.
fate is a "predetermined outcome" like " getting in that car before the crash was my fate" But outcome is just a result, that was not expected.
both a result, but fate is saying the result was unavoidable, outcome is just a reaction to an action.