Zeus- god of the sky
Hera- goddess of marriage
Poseidon- god of the sea
Demeter- goddess of agriculture
Ares- god of war
Athena- goddess of wisdom
Apollo- god of music and poetry and the sun
Artemis- goddess of the moon and hunt
Hephaestus- god of blacksmiths and fire
Aphrodite- goddess of love and beauty
Hermes- god of the roadways,messenger of the gods
Dionysus- god of wine
Hades god of the underworld
Hypnos-god of sleep
Nike- goddess of victory
Janus- god of beginnings, choices and doorways
Nemesis- goddess of revenge
Iris-goddess of the rainbow
Hecate- goddess of magic
Tyche- goddess of good luck and fortune
By making promises to do things that certain demographics want.
Discussing peacefully but also being ready to take decisive action in case things go wrong.
Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy.
because it is true not false
feeling of superiority over other cultures