He is a very experienced hunter
Rainsfords character was able to tell that the animal was big, but that the gun used to shoot it was a smaller one. he was also able to tell that the hunter who shot the animal was not able to kill it at first.
Mostly I spent my weekend by pursuing my passion for writing and painting, and spending my time with family at home.
Weekend is something which everyone look forward to. School kids would count days and gets excited on Friday as they will not have to go to school the next morning. For them, weekend means waking up late in the morning, playing, and enjoying.
But for me, I really look forward to weekend, after spending five days at work. I wake up early on weekend as well, to meditate and spend sometime to talk to God. Then I spend morning time helping my mother in household chores, helping her in preparing breakfast, and have conversation with my family while having breakfast. After all the work gets done, I would read books, and then write a blog about any concerned topic that would come to my mind. In evening I usually spend some time for my passion, which is painting. Then watch TV with family while having dinner.
TAREAS GRAMATICALES SOBRE LOS PASADOS1. Con estas unidades vamos a aprender tres tiempos del español: el pretérito perfecto (he sido), el ... Como has visto en la Tarea 2, para formar el perfecto en un verbo se usa el presente del ... 4. Como leer se conjugan los verbos que terminan en –eer: proveer, etc.
Carpe Diem common meaning is "seize the day", which means that you must enjoy the day and maximize every moment as if it were the last. The idea is to have a productive well-lived day.
The phrase is in Latin, and was termed by the Roman poet Horace in his novel "Odes".
The "Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd", written by Sr. Walter Raleigh, refers to a young female nymph happy vision of life. For her, a true relationship must be based on loyalty and commitment, not like the shepherd's materialistic vision.
The nymph is always looking for something permanent that makes her happy, to "seize the day", even though they would be like dreaming: to be forever young, permanent happiness and true love.
What she means is that she really dreams of a joyful life with the shepherd on her side, but she realizes that he cannot afford her that because of his different and materialistic vision of life.
this is a metaphor. its not hyerbole because it isnt a exxragtion