n "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou, the free bird is an extended metaphor for a free person, and the caged bird is an extended metaphor for an oppressed person. Angelou creates a comparison between the two birds to make her point. For example, a free bird that "leaps on the back of the wind" is a metaphor for being free to do anything, while a caged bird with clipped wings and tied feet is a metaphor for being kept from doing most things. Angelou alternates the focus of the stanzas between the free bird and the caged bird. This emphasizes the contrast between the two and highlights the emotions her extended metaphors convey.
The Latin prefix dis- means apart, asunder, away, utterly or having reversing or opposite forces or ideas, and also classified as simply not or not any. Like for example, discontent, dishearten, discomfort, disrepair, discredit, disbelief, dislike, disown, disability, etc.
B I would say I hope I really helped
Pierre and Charles discovered the Time Capsule of their back-great-grandfather, buried hundred years ago.
They found a kind of paper there, representing continents. They discovered a message hidden behind the card, explaining that it represents the Earth of time.
They noticed a pad filled with pages with a rather intimate writing. There were relating messages every day from the author.
They found brilliant rings accompanied with stuck labels.
They were impressed by a rather heavy, big book filled with unknown information. They did not know numerous words which were registered.
They found old colored fabrics, able to be carried. They have deducted that from it was the clothes of the time. They found sober colored "clothes" for feet. They discovered pieces of circular metal that were varying in size and with various figures registered above.
They were intrigued by a white rectangle, with a long message which was intended for them.
Both boys are proud and happy to have found a track of their ancestor.
They perceived sorts of trays with pawns, which they put on compartments. There were sorts of small, rather compact, white rectangles with various sorts of colors and symbols.
Finally they recognized more or less a smartphone, but impossible to use for them. They were surprised all the same with the technological breakthrough of the time.
In a small letter, was how their back grandfather imagined the future.
"Later, I imagine flying cars."
Charles was answered, he was right they are of kind of flying car, but more resembling in a drone. It is true that robots are very present, but fortunately they do not make all. Our great-grandfather had a good imagination.