Algae and Cyanobacteria could mean life is flourishing and is a good food source for some fish in moderation- but if there's a lot of fertilizer runoff, they can grow too quickly and be counterproductive for the environment
Sex linked traits are found on the X chromosome
I’m bad at biology so I don’t understand
A phospholipid is a lipid made of a phosphate group with two fatty acids.
A second messenger is a molecule inside cells that acts to transmit signals from a receptor to a target.
Hoped this helped.
~Bob Ross®
Answer: B
Ammonia is so toxic that it can be transported and excreted only in large volumes of very dilute solution. As a result most terrestrial animals simply don't have access to sufficient water to routine excrete ammonia.
The main advantage of urea is its very low toxicity. Animals can transport urea in the circulatory system and store it safely in high concentrations. Also much less water is loss when a given quantity of nitrogen is excreted in a concentrated solution of urea than would be in a dilute solution of ammonia.