I believe that is false...
historical questions are used to turn historical arguments into essays
Answer: Prison reformers have struggled with the problem of how to punish criminals while also preserving their humanity; how to protect the public while also allowing prisoners to re-enter society after their sentences end; and how to satisfy crime victims' desire for justice and revenge while also giving convicts a second chance to live freely and abide by the law.
Johan Gutenberg invented the printing press that helped people learn from the Bible because there was once a time that not all can read it. Some religions even forbid others to see and read it. Martin Luther, a religious leader benefited from this technology during the Protestant Reformation. He used it to reached people and share the gospel to other people.
It was usually performed by certain high ranking Japanese Officials and when they suffered a Major blunder in the war, or something that was considered MAJORLY unhonorable, and that's the key here, honor. Honor was HUGE in Japan, your family would consider you worthless if you didn't have honor, so doing something like losing a battle and surrendering were considered cowardly, so to maintain their honor and avoid capture they would commit Seppuku