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The Gupta Empire was one of the greatest political and military empires in the history of India. It was ruled by the Gupta dynasty between 320 and 550 AD. C. and occupied most of northern India and current East Pakistan and Bangladesh. Under this empire, there was a period of peace and prosperity that favored the development of Indian culture from an artistic, literary and scientific point of view.
Indian numbering is the first numbering system with base ten positional notation. It is believed that Aryabhata was the first mathematician to use the concept of zero.
The astronomers of this period postulated heliocentric theory and studied eclipses, both solar and lunar, explaining them as shadows cast on Earth.
The famous Susruta is a Sanskrit text with the main concepts of Ayurvedic medicine (Ayurveda is the name of traditional Indian medicine. It has as a common goal the unification of body-mind and spirit, proclaiming that disease and health are the result of the confluence of three main aspects of existence or doshas) and innovative chapters on surgery. Doctors invented several medical instruments that allowed expanding the number of operations.
In the religious aspect the Hindu ideas correspond to a large extent to this period, perhaps it is in the time of the Gupta, thanks to the Buddhist influence, that Hinduism came to tolerate the most diverse, and even antagonistic, opinions within its belief system . The elements inherent to Hinduism, which distinguish it from other beliefs, are the caste regime (varna) as a social order and certain rites to which, according to its class, all members of each caste are inseparably linked.
According to Hindu beliefs, the cosmos is eternal in itself, but it is in a state of permanent evolution, while all animated beings, from deities to a simple herb, have an immortal soul (ātmā) coated with the body matter
At the top of his pantheon are the three supreme gods - Brahmā, Vishnú and Shivá -, which are grouped into a triad (Trimurti, in addition to worshiping numerous deities, demigods, local divinities, demonic beings, as well as various supernatural forces). that manifest in nature (rivers, animals, stones, mountains, plants, etc.).
After the backward movement of Buddhism and the restoration of Hinduism, the Gupta society was still divided by the ancient system of four yati or varna (castes):
• bráhmanas: religious authorities (priestly caste)
• chatrías, civil and military authorities
• vaishias: landowners, ranchers, farmers and merchants
• shudrás: lower caste, to which the slaves belonged (although they could be killed, they could not be sold or occupied in "impure" jobs, destined for the chandalas) and peasants.
Outside the varna system would be the "untouchables" or "pariah" ("chandalas" or "arhijans"), hunters, sweepers and body incinerators.
The prosperity of the cities during the Gupta period allowed artisans to group into corporations according to the trade, whose most opulent individuals formed a kind of bourgeoisie.
Guptas' scientists discovered that there were seven planets in the solar system. They also created the technology that was able to help them detect eclipses of the sun and moon. Arybhata was one of the most famous scientists in the Gupta Empire: I determined that Earth rotates on an axis and revolves around the sun.