Software, unless you planned on permanently downloading the Music Album or Song to your computer's Hard Drive. i.e, you would use whatever Music or Media player you have installed on your computer, and that simply counts as Software.
Number of ways to select 10 girls in 35C₁₀
Number of ways to select 10 boys in 35C₁₀
Total Number of ways to select is 35C₁₀ x 35C₁₀
Wow!! that is ALOT of info,I dont think i could help with this one Umders 699 maybe someone else can sorry that i couldn`t help :)
The equivalent if statements is:
ranforce = randi([0, 12]);
if (ranforce == 0)
disp('There is no wind')
else if(ranforce>0 && ranforce <7)
disp('There is a breeze')
else if(ranforce>6 && ranforce <10)
disp('This is a gale')
else if(ranforce>9 && ranforce <12)
disp('It is a storm')
else if(ranforce==12)
disp('Hello, Hurricane!')
<em>The solution is straight forward.</em>
<em>All you need to do is to replace the case statements with corresponding if or else if statements as shown in the answer section</em>
Uses of Radio Waves : The prime purpose of radio is to convey information from one place to another through the intervening media (i.e., air, space, nonconducting materials) without wires. Besides being used for transmitting sound and television signals, radio is used for the transmission of data in coded form.