Climate change is real because of 2 factors.
1. The Earth it self has cycles, they are ever going and ever changing. At the moment we are in an inter glacial period and we are moving towards a glacial period.
2. Human activity causes more rapid changes in climate and makes it more unpredictable. The human activity makes the climate warm up faster then it would do so naturally, but on the other hand melting of the ice caps will cause the Golf sea current to stop and bring on us an ice age much quicker.
Discuss the emphasis on the distinctiveness of a particular place and the characteristics or activities that make up that location in Regional geography?
The epicenter is the point on the earth's surface vertically above the hypocenter (or focus), point in the crust where a seismic rupture begins.
Will by when the lower air pressure gets colder it turns into cold weather
and then it is a high pressure. when the higher air pressure gets hot it
turns into a lower air pressure .
hope i help!!!!!!!!!