Answer: The people migrated to other regions of Central Asia.
Explanation: To escape communism.
Les systèmes fluviaux et les plaines inondables du Brésil, du Pérou, de l'Équateur, de la Colombie et du Venezuela, dont les eaux se déversent dans la Solimões et ses affluents, sont appelés "la haute Amazonie
Greenhouse affect - atmosphere traps heat
Ice age - coldest phase of climate cycle
Sun's output - can vary
Greenhouse gases - atmosphere traps even more heat
going through status determination processes and potentially being recognized as a refugee, individuals are legally protected by being granted legal documents that are issued from their country of asylum and are valid for a certain period of time, usually not less that one year at a time.
The economy of Africa consists of the trade, industry, agriculture, and human development. Following the independence of African countries during the 20th century, economic, political and other means