"A Good Man is Hard To Find" is a short story written by Flannery O'Connor in 1953. The story focuses on a family car trip with the Bailey family. The Grandmother continuously attempts to reroute the trip. Through many stops and hurtles the characters highlight a discussion of subjective values leading to the declaration "a good man is hard to find."
The answer is B, you never give personal information and expository is an explaining essay so there is no need to persuade because there is no argument occurring
That if you are speaking to someone through message or email or any written message it has no tone. You may say something with good intentions & someone may take it the wrong way.
I once visited an orphanage for a field trip in high school. It was an orphanage specifically for babies or younger kids who were abandoned by their parents. We had to interact with the kids, play with them, feed them, create a program for them, and just spend some time making these kids feel like they weren't forgotten. It was heartbreaking to see such young kids already experiencing what many only experience in their adulthood: abandonment, loneliness, feelings of worthlessness and unwantedness. This experience really made me look at my life and try to appreciate what I have. I may not have the perfect family, but at least I have people around me who love and accept me. We should all strive to make each and every person we meet feel loved. As Elllen Degeneres says, be kind to one another. Because that's why we were put on this Earth.
the answer is B The blaring siren from the bright red fire truck woke me from my deep sleep.