Simply say thank you for the opportunity to have an interview and explain how excited you are to have the chance to work there, Make sure to be as polite as possible
Hope this helps
<span>She wrote and published novels and biographies.</span>
A. <span>They had strange habits and fears.
Some examples include:
One person is afraid (and certain) she will die on South High Street.
Another person is afraid of dying in his sleep.
His mother is paranoid and afraid of electricity.
One is afraid of being hypnotized.
The answer will be multiple-part.
"Your courage to the sticking place" is a well-known statement - from Shakespeare's play Macbeth. The idiom screw... to the sticking place - if you do some research - is defined as "being firm and resolute in... (in this case, courage)." This echoes Shakespeare's ambitious nature - as is shown in a poetic style.
The rest of this paragraph reflects that aspect of him as well. Such words as:
Though seemingly just part of the nature of poetry, these words may spark images in your mind that typical, everyday words otherwise don't.
I hope you can gather a lot of info from all of that! Tell me if you need any further assistance...
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