It was when Beowulf and Unferth had a conversation. Unferth questions Beowulf’s capabilities when
he mentions the swimming contest that he lost to Brecca. Beowulf counters by saying that he was blown
off by storm and had to fight monsters.
He was making a statement that he was more than prepared to meet and
defeat Grendel.
its written in third person, maybe third person omnicient
you can tell by the way there are no personal pronouns such as i me and my
I think the correct answer would be option D. Expository writing never includes devices of writing such as figurative language or narrative. This type of writing is used to give information, explain and describe a certain topic so it should use simple words and is straightforward.
Hercules strangles the snakes that Hera puts in his crib
it's the only thing that happened to him as a child
Answer: Usage Dictionary
is defined as the way that something is being used, or to the proper way to make use of something such as a word or phrase or tool.