1. A literary device is an unusual twist of plot, character, or way of telling a story that makes it interesting to the reader.
2. The surprise ending is a figure of speech.
3. When quoting words directly from the story, a writer should surround them with quotation marks.
<span>4. The social customs of the time play a part in the story of "The Necklace".
5. "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" is an example of a story in which dialect adds to the humor.
6. A critic is not supposed to give his personal opinion about a book.
<span>7. The frame story is an example of .
<span>8. A critic should always tell his readers the details of the plot.
Here is the list of pronouns in the order they appear in the text, assigned to their particular groups:
1. interrogative pronouns (the ones who ask a certain question): WHAT, WHAT
2. possessive pronouns (the ones which show a certain possession): YOURS, YOURS
3. personal pronouns (I, you, he, she...): IT, IT, YOU, YOU, YOU, IT, US
4. indefinite pronoun (you cannot exactly determine who it is about): EVERYONE, ANYONE, SOME, ALL, EACH
5. relative pronouns (connect a clause to a noun/pronoun): WHO, THAT, WHATEVER
6. demonstrative pronouns (point to a particular thing): THESE