Are you asking a question? Or just messing around? Please let me know so I can understand why you posted this question.
Examples of similes in poems include comparisons using the words "like" or "as." This is a nice way to compare two things without a lot of explanation.
d.The poet compares his students to unruly hounds to illustrate the difficulties of teaching.
Throughout the poem, the class is being compared to a pack of unruly hounds. The teacher is showing that he has been trying to teach the children but it is late and they are itching to get away. This is shown when they are described as tugging on the leash and straining apart. The speaker says that he cannot drive them on another hunt towards something they are not interested in. He is basically giving up on trying to get them to learn anything new.
Hey I get why ya doubted yourself but the semi colon works.
Let me explain:
So with the two sentences you have if you had used a period the sentences wouldn't have connected as well. And since the first sentence connects to the second by trying to explain how the literature has changed perspective for society it just flows better.
I mean in my opinion the semi colon just works better than a period or comma. It allows a breath to read the second sentence but indicates that the second sentence is what makes the first sentence work.
What sets off appositives in the sentence is the use of the quotation mark, comma (,). This indicates that the phrase is just an added information in the sentence, and if omitted will never change the whole thought or idea of the sentence. Aside from commas, parentheses or dashes can be used as well.