August 2, 1990 through February 28, 1991
Logos offers to the audience's reason, building up coherent contentions. Ethos requests to the speaker's status or specialist, making the gathering of people more likely to believe them. Sentiment requests to the feelings, attempting to make the group of onlookers feel irate or thoughtful, for illustration.
The Early Middle Ages in Europe (500-1000 A.D.) are often called the Dark Ages because literacy and education declined.
No, they may only own one Medal of Honour.
The correct answer should be - a botanist who s<span>tudied nature to uncover why a certain plant kept dying.
The most important principle of Enlightenment is reason and knowledge - so instead on relying on superstition and unreliable facts, this person decided to actually explore and study nature further to reach a conclusion him/herself.