According to what I have read, this has been happening because every United States state is also a sovereign and independent entity in its own right and is granted the power to create and apply laws, and regulate them according to their needs. In addition, some laws, such as certain voting laws and criminal laws and statutes, tend to be somewhat uniform across states; nevertheless, some areas of law can be very, very different from one state to the next.
It declared that England's 13 colonies in North America were not colonies of
England any more. That meant that they didn't have to do what the King of England
said anymore, and they didn't need his permission to do anything they wanted to do,
and they didn't have to pay taxes to England any more, and England could not take
their crops or natural resources any more, and England should just go away and
leave them alone.
England did not just say OK have it your way. They sent their army over here, to
spank the colonies and make them behave and keep doing what England said.
But somehow the colonies won that war after fighting for a few years, and they
made the English army go away, and after that, they were not English colonies
any more, they were the United States of America.
*chief must maintain mutual harmony, mutual co-operation ,mutual understanding among people.
* He/she should develop trust worthy ,peaceful and co-operative environment.
*He/ she should control conflict ,eradicate superstations from society.
* He/ she must develop the feeling of co- existence ,help and respect to each other among people of ghana.
*likewise,chief should increase the feeling of sympathy , living together,emotional atrachment.
* He / she must launch awareness among people about the importance of unity and national integration.
<span>I think the fact that there was no single ruler in the stateless societies allowed them to endure for many centuries. No family had too much power than the others. The way they resolved their problems also helped them survive for a long time since it allowed them to peacefully talk about the issue without violence. They also had a very organized way to decide to who to pass down the possessions and property too. People were also separated into age-sets where they would pass stages of life with other people in the same generation.</span>