The scene with the gravediggers illustrates the play’s broader theme of mortality. In the first part of the scene, two gravediggers discuss the burial of people who have taken their own lives and how the Christian system is flawed in disallowing suicide. Hamlet and Horatio then look at the remains of the many dead bodies and reflect on the certainty of death for all people. In death, we are all the same. For example, a woman may go to great ends to beautify herself in life, but her remains after death may look like any ordinary person’s remains. Hamlet and Horatio also discuss how a person's greatness ceases to matter when he or she dies. Hamlet refers to Alexander the Great being buried and becoming one with the sand.
Yorick’s skull acts as a symbol of death. With the skull in his hand, Hamlet reminisces about the time he spent with Yorick. Now, in death, Yorick is nothing more than a pile of bones, with no wit, humor, or intelligence. Earlier in the play, Hamlet spent much time mulling over death and wondering what came after death. Yorick’s skull answers that question for Hamlet.
The skull and the graveyard directly contrast with the life Hamlet led in the castle. In Elsinore, Hamlet’s mother and Claudius tried to make him forget about his father's death. In the graveyard, he has the freedom to contemplate death.
Was a singular knife. Clearly, the weeds were not knives, but because this is a metaphor they are called knives
Without Gratitude, nothing really matters. Without Gratitude, there is no hope.
As the stars move across the sky each night people of the world have looked up and wondered about their place in the universe. Throughout history civilizations have developed unique systems for ordering and understanding the heavens. Babylonian and Egyptian astronomers developed systems that became the basis for Greek astronomy, while societies in the Americas, China and India developed their own.
Learn Smarter. Just as people are either left- or right-handed, they also have dominant brain hemispheres. ...
Study Smarter. Because math is a learned skill that requires practice, you may need to spend more time on homework and studying than you do in other subjects. ...
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