There was once a creature called a sharkpido it was a shark and scorpion it only ate kids if they were being mean but some people thought it was fake but little did they know it was watching them in the shadows and some kids slowly started to disappear the village was really scared and afraid but one day a guy called nick hu Chan came and said he could defeat the creature and none believed him and they were really scared so then one day nick went out and never came out and he left colorful stuff and the creature never came back that’s why we wear different colors in the world.
In this passage, Whitman is celebrating how the death and life of his self and his body are interconnected with the natural world.
When we die, the physical substance of the body—literally the molecules of the flesh—rot away to become once again a part of the natural world. But the same thing is true when we are living. We breathe in the molecules of the air, which become a part of us, even as they began as a part of other things. "Song of Myself" is all about these kinds of transcendent connections. Whitman is celebrating his "self" ("I celebrate myself, and sing myself"), but he's doing so by acknowledging the ways his self relies on the forces and energies and bodies of the natural and human worlds around him.
describing the character by giving details.
Reggie shares that, at first, he didn't want to stand out in a crowd. However, he realizes that while it might take time to figure out who you are, the most important thing is being yourself.
well its like when you here something like nails on a chalk bored or you get your sleve wet while washing your hands.