Lakes ponds creeks rivers
explained below.
b) Urbanization decreases the lag time because the loss of the rainfall decrease as the water absorbed by the ground decreases and water reaches to the river very quickly.
c) In urbanization the runoff occurs for small period of time because there is no hindrance in the flow of the rainfall so the runoff reaches very quickly to the water body.
d) Intense rainfall in urban area often experience the flash flood condition because there no absorption of water by the ground, trees are less so which does not lead to perception of water by leaves of the tree hence all the rainfall is basically converted into runoff and city does not have system to act on the situation which lead to flash flood condition.
A. a new dwarf planet because dwarf planets are round
The scissors have 1 line of symmetry c:
All of the above are correct.
The Mughal Empire was an empire that existed in India for several centuries. It emerged as a military power in Central Asia, but it set its eyes on India and after successive military campaigns big portion of India was conquered. The Mughals were of mixed Turkic and Mongol ancestry when they came to India, and they were also Muslim, while over time there was also gradual Persian influence.
This resulted in bringing in new cultural characteristics which resulted in some changes in India. A new type of art was introduced, the style of architecture changed, and there was a big religious influence. The legacy can be seen even nowadays, as the artistic elements that the Mughals brought in are still present, the architecture as well, with a lot of historical monuments being made by them, and a large portion of the population in the Indian subcontinent is Muslim.