1.The theme of belonging is that all people in society want a sense of belonging. The greasers don't really belong anywhere, except for their gang. Their gang is like a family and gives them a sense of belonging and purpose.
2. The Outsiders demonstrates that society really cares about and judges people based on their appearance. We also group people based on stereotypical appearances.
3.Dallas and Johnny are both heroic because they both saved people at the cost of themselves.
I agree with Plato's critique of democracy because...
then you have to finish that, there's not a lot or any background information but I'm always happy to help if you add more!!!! lmk how you do!!!
i need the question to the question is really hard if u ask me
Self esteem is how you good you feel about yourself, no matter what others think.
Three ways that the civial war impacted plantation owners where by....
1.) The plantation owners could no longer use unpaid slave labor to plant and harvest their crops.
2.) The plantation owners lost a great deal of their wealth since they could no longer afford to bring crops to market.
3.)The wives of the plantation owners now had to be responsible for cooking, child-rearing, and cleaning that was previously done by the slaves.
Hope this helped!
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!