Since Earth rotates on it's axis every 24 hours, only about half the planet is illuminated at one time. From the Earth, on the surface it seems that the sun is moving across the sky, but this is only a illusion due to our particularly perspective.
"The sun's apparent motion across the sky from East to West is due to the..."
Answer: Earth's rotation.
Olive trees are found largely along the coast of Mediterranean climates where the have the ideal precipitation and temperature conditions to thrive. In the mountainous areas further inland, the trees would have to adapt to more extreme temperatures and generally dryer conditions.
The Arabian peninsula does not feature a Mediterranean climate, but instead a desert climate that does not permit the growth of trees outside oases.
The appropriate answer is A. Photosynthesis is tied to the carbon cycle because it is the process by which plants use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to make food. The carbon cycle is essentially the movement of carbon between the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Photosynthesis occurs as an interaction between the atmosphere and the biosphere.
Because the earth is tilted on a axis and tilts differently to get the 4 different seasons