The workers didn't learn how to completely manufacture a certain item. Instead, they learned a certain part of the process in manufacturing such item and they will repeat such process again and again, all day long. This is how the development of the industry impacted the way people lived and worked.
Texas and mexico had a conflict because they couldn't decide who get to claim the Rio grande because the texas government wanted to claim it and mexico also wanted to so it became a dispute
What is the text of the letter???
It was usually performed by certain high ranking Japanese Officials and when they suffered a Major blunder in the war, or something that was considered MAJORLY unhonorable, and that's the key here, honor. Honor was HUGE in Japan, your family would consider you worthless if you didn't have honor, so doing something like losing a battle and surrendering were considered cowardly, so to maintain their honor and avoid capture they would commit Seppuku
Yes. Parts of the Confederacy did.
They seceded, 11 of 13 to be exact. They said they were no longer part of "The United States" and they continued with their way of life which included the keeping of slaves and slave labor.
They didn't think it was wrong when they were part of it and sure as heck didn't think it wrong when they had seceded.
At least until Lincoln came out with his Emancipation Proclamation. And even then some slave owners- most plantations were destroyed by the Civil War- did not follow it. A few did though