He feels strongly about preserving and maintaining them.
In this excerpt, Joseph is willing to continue whith his tribe's cultural tradition: to regain their lands from the hands of the white. Joseph's father has just died without being able to regain his land in Oregon. As a consequence, Joseph feels stronger in preserving and maintainnig their resistance against the white. "<em>He left a good name on earth. He advised me well for my peopl</em>e" these words make Joseph's intentions clear: he will go on with the tribe's peaceful fight against the white.
Literary analysis encourages students to branch beyond their own experiences and beliefs, and in doing so it allows students to build empathy. Empathy is the ability to consider someone else's feelings and thoughts in a situation. As you can imagine, empathy is important in relationships, job settings, and beyond.
“[Her children’s] absence was a sort of relief, though she did not admit this, even to herself. It seemed to free her of a responsibility which she had blindly assumed and for which Fate had not fitted her.”