various cultures of the world.
You need to understand the cultures of the world, to work in a multinational company. Undoubtedly, you need to understand that the employees working in multinational companies are from various cultures, and they think differently as well. You need to understand them, and only then you can make them your friend and finally work together with full cooperation to ensure the best work. And for your success as well as the success of the company this is important.
2^(32-20) - one for the network number - one for the broadcast address = 4,094
The code to calculate the area of a circle is:
from math import pi
def circleArea(radius):
if radius > 0:
return pi * (radius ** 2)
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
radius = 5
print("Radius: {} Area: {}".format(radius,circleArea(radius)))
A detailed explanation of each line of code is given below.
#Define the number pi used to calculate the area
from math import pi
#We define a function that calculates the area of a circle
def circleArea(radius):
#Check if the radius is valid ( radius > 0) since there aren´t negative radius
if radius > 0:
#Compute the area formula for a circle 
return pi * (radius ** 2)
#Return None if the radius is invalid
return None
#Run the function we´ve defined
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Define a radius
radius = 5
#Call the function and parse the radius through it, then print the result
print("Radius: {} Area: {}".format(radius,circleArea(radius)))