Click Insert
click Picture
click From File
select the desired picture and again click insert
right-click the picture
click Insert Caption
write the caption and add it
C, proprietary software
Proprietary software, also known as non-free software, is computer software for which the software's publisher or another person reserves some rights from licensees to use, modify, share modifications, or share the software. It sometimes includes patent rights.
Answer:It will decrease harmful emissions, so the factories will no longer need to install them.
This helps improve the safety of the surrounding community and workers. But this technology is expensive and required time and effort to install.
Mobile are build in a specific platform such as Android, iOS ect and they use application such as apple store and have access to the system such as GPS and the camera. Mobile apps live and run on mobiles as on they are their own thing controlled by a developer on the other end
First look at the function definition .It has two arguments intVal is passed by reference while floatVal is passed by value.So the changes done on the myInt variable will be reflected on the original argument because when a variable is passed by reference the the changes are reflected on the original argument but when a variable is passed by value the function created a duplicate copy of it and work on them so changes are not reflected on the original argument.So myInt will get doubled while myFloat will remain the same.