Generally, the relations between Native Americans and Spain were different from relations between the Native Americans and France in that the Spanish were far more cruel to the Natives than the French were, who wanted to work with them as much as possible.
A business cycle is the term used to describe the fluctuation in the economy - the recession and expansion it goes through. Though business cycles are periodic, they are very irregular.
Inequality is an injustice. It slows efforts to eradicate poverty. Inequality slows overall growth. ... Extreme economic inequality creates tension between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' (or the 'have nots' and society in general) resulting in conflict, resentment and crimes like theft and mugging, which can be violent.
The correct answer for this question is "b. gained experience in seeking social and political change." By working in reform movements, many women <span>gained experience in seeking social and political change. They already have the voice to speak out what ideas they have for the betterment.</span>
The answer is <span>Muhammad</span>