is a or c I'm sorry if it didn't work but I am very very very very very very sorry if I got it wrong.
and to your's he was born in the United States
During 1811 Amedeo Avogadro ‘s hypothesis that at the same pressure and temperature equal volumes of all gases carries equalnumbers of molecules. It also distinguished that the accurate interpretation in the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen to create water, he explained the reaction showing what happens on an atomic and molecular scale using the theory of Dalton.
The answer is there was a surge of patriotism in the United States.
Women and African American men were allowed to enlist, making more mothers and daughters leave their homes to fight for America.
Please rank Brainliest if this helps. Thanks!
There are many different trains of thought that lead Americans to their own mindset about the aid of Middle Eastern independence. Generally speaking, there are many people who believe that the United States should be the Police of the world or the hero of smaller countries and help them since they have the power to do so. Others believe that the United States has no rights of interfering in foreign affairs and should mind their own business. There are those who just don't agree with the idea of sending kids to die for other countries as well, no matter why.