Women created a list of resolutions. The Convention was in 1848, and the 19th amendment (and right to vote) didn’t happen until 1920.
Solicit support
Politicians use the internet to connect with their supporters and to get their support. The internet enables politicians to share their ideals with would be supporters and win over their support. This can be through social networking sites and blogs
Answer: Science
The Enlightenment is the name of a period of European history, roughly beginning in the 17th or 18th century. One of the most significant events in this period was the scientific revolution.
The scientific revolution was a series of events that marked the beginning of modern science. This time period saw the development of the scientific method and the categorization of different sciences, along with more specialized methods of addressing each one of these branches. It also brought a general trust in science and reason as methods to arrive to answers, and to guide society into modernity.