Question 12
correct options = 3rd person plural and They love.
Question 13
Correct option = You prepare and 2nd person plural
Latin is a language with word formation. Its verbs need to be conjugated to express number, person, time, mood, tense or voice .
The singular third person ending is "-t" in all conjugations,
The sufixo "tis" is used with the second person in the plural.
am<u>átis </u>
Friendship is a state of affection, respect, intimacy and trust between two people. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a person's life. Friendship is also a close bond between two people who are characterized by feelings of care, respect, admiration, interest, or even love. The true definition of friendship is the relationship between people who love each other and enjoy each other's company. An example of friendship is when you have a friend with whom you love to do things.
الصداقة هي حالة من المودة والاحترام والحميمية والثقة بين شخصين. في جميع الثقافات ، تعد الصداقات علاقات مهمة طوال فترة حياة الشخص. الصداقة هي أيضًا ارتباط وثيق بين شخصين يتسمان بمشاعر الرعاية أو الاحترام أو الإعجاب أو الاهتمام أو حتى الحب. التعريف الحقيقي للصداقة هو العلاقة بين الأشخاص الذين يحبون بعضهم البعض ويستمتعون بصحبة بعضهم البعض. مثال على الصداقة هو عندما يكون لديك صديق تحب أن تفعل الأشياء معه.
alsadaqat hi halat min almawadat walaihtiram walhamimiat walthiqat bayn shakhsayn. fi jmye althaqafat , tueadu alsidaqat ealaqat muhimatan tawal fatrat hayat alshakhs. alsadaqat hi aydana airtibat wathiq bayn shakhsayn yatasimman bimashaeir alrieayat 'aw alaihtiram 'aw al'iiejab 'aw alaihtimam 'aw hataa alhub. altaerif alhaqiqiu lilsadaqat hu alealaqat bayn al'ashkhas aldhyn yuhibuwn bedhm albaed wayastamtaeun bisihbat bedhm albueda. mithal ealaa alsadaqat hu eindama yakun ladayk sidiyq tuhibu 'an tafeal al'ashya' maeah.
It is the study of communication in every aspect of life. It is how you communicate:
At work
With adolescents
Interpersonally (most important and valuable)
Understand political (and other types of public speeches or books) speeches and why certain words and phrases are chosen to influence the public
So much more….
Basically, it covers every aspect of how we, as individuals, communicate in every aspect of our lives in every way, every day.It's not all about speeches or speaking in public.
पक्षी सामाजिक झुंड के जानवर हैं, और कई पालतू पक्षी प्रजातियों को अपने देखभालकर्ताओं से लगभग निरंतर सहयोग की आवश्यकता होती है। लेकिन कुछ प्रजातियां थोड़ी अधिक स्वतंत्र हैं या अन्य पक्षियों की कंपनी से खुश हैं, जिससे उनके देखभाल करने वाले को अधिक समय बिताने की इजाजत मिलती है
Number 9. The word its needs to be it's because it is short for it is.