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The Council of 500 represented the full-time government of Athens. It consisted of 500 citizens, 50 from each of the ten tribes, who served for one year. The Council could issue decrees on its own, regarding certain matters, but its main function was to prepare the agenda for meetings of the Assembly.
Yes.. well they do not always agree with them,
The supreme court normally goes their own path, with everything that they do...
to provide protection from their enemies
Hoover did not handle the Bonus Army well.
The Bonus Army was a group of 43 thousand protestors - WWI veterans and their families - who gathered in Washington DC to demand payment for their service certificates.
President Hoover did not attempt to negotiate with the protestors, first, he ordered to have them removed from government’s property and later he ordered to the Army to clear the marcher’s campsite.
To do so, infantry and cavalry was used and additionally, six tanks.
Public opinion on Hoover’s actions was strong, newspapers and newsreels - that were popular at the time - showed images of the violence perpetrated on soldiers and their families. This was considered one of the strongest factors that influenced his lost at elections to Roosevelt.
Peter the Great was a czar in Russia that did some extensive reforms in an attempt to make Russia great. He started a lot of wars but it was to expand his Tsardom and it worked. It became a major European power. He also led a cultural revolution that replaced the more traditional and medieval social and political systems into a modern one with modern science and based on the enlightenment. He founded and developed the city of St. Petersburg which was the capital of Russia until 1917.
Peter reorganized the Russian army and dreamed of making Russia a maritime power. He faced a lot of opposition to these policies at home and he brutally suppressed rebellions against his authority, including by the Streltsy, Bashkirs, Astrakhan, and the greatest civil uprising of his reign, the Bulavin Rebellion.