Before the steamboats, man had only the power of muscles (whether his own muscles or the muscles of animals). He depended on these muscles in transportation. This made transportation a very long and tiring journey.
Steamboats' main advantage was providing faster transportation to both people and goods. This reduced the time and the effort needed for transportation.
However, they were not very safe or accurately designed. Many people died as a result of the explosion of the boilers.
The main reason for the destruction of Roman economy lies in the fact that during 3rd Century there were constant wars in the country with only one goal, and that was the fight for power. Between 235 and 284 there were as many as 26 claimants to the throne.
This period of constant wars destroyed not only economy, but also society and institutions. At the end, Diocletian who ruled after this period tried to fix some problems through reforms, but of course it was hard to repair everything that was destroyed.